Estate Planning 101 - REGISTRATION CLOSES AT 3 pm ON 11/19

Date and Time
Wednesday, November 20, 2024
12:00pm— 1:00pm
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Virtual Program
Maureen Garnett
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Selena Rincon Giuseppe De Prisco renata burillo Juan Holmes Ali Bugaighis Melissa Polka William Wilson Salil Deshpande Cristina Masson Marjorie Leventon David Uthe Paul Goydan Erum Hasnain Sean O'Donnell Takajiro Ishikawa Venkat Krishnan Estela Rodriguez-Botello Tim Wampler Gail Arnow Theron Metz Lynn Borker Adrian Magana Pablo Angellotti Martha Laird B Landay Diana Flanders David Mendoza Brandon Trama Ty Umoh Jacob Slosburg Scott Ferguson James Goettee Camilo Munoz Andrew Jean-Louis Rollyn Reyes Vladislav Bayer Patrick Wilkey Emil Brasel Ehimhen Agunloye Ivan Parra Jeff Shieh Brandon Ray Jessica Avila
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with Will Stafford from Daniels & Tredennick

WEDNESDAY, November 20, 2024 -
12 to 1:00 PM -

We are excited to announce the November 20th, noon hour virtual program, the long-awaited Estate Planning 101 Workshop!, which will be led by esteemed Penn alum William D. Stafford, Partner at Houston's Daniels & Tredennick law firm. Will is a graduate of Tulane University (BS, MA) and Penn Law (JD); he also holds a certificate in Business & Public Policy from Wharton! We are so excited that He has generously volunteered his time to put together an informative, interesting, and oh-so-necessary hour-long workshop for your benefit.


REGISTRATION CLOSES AT 3 PM ON NOVEMBER 19TH - If you are trying to RSVP after 3 PM, contact Sarah@FollowUsTo

This is a FREE program, but we ask that you please RSVP in advance. Registration deadline is November 19th at noon. Please scroll down the page a bit further and register your attendance before the deadline. The Zoom link will be released to registrants on Tuesday, November 19th. 

As we head into the holiday season, now is the perfect time to consider whether your current estate plan (you actually have one, even if you don’t know it!) is optimally designed to, 1) protect those you love the most, and 2) achieve the best tax result, especially in light of an election year and next year’s substantial reduction of the lifetime estate and gift tax exemption.

Whether you are just putting together a plan or want to update your existing plan, join us on Wednesday, 11/20, from 12-1pm and learn about:

1)   What does "estate planning" truly mean?

2)   What are trusts, and which type(s) may be relevant to me?

3)   What are some best practices in tax savings for the next generation?

4)   If I am a business owner or have a sizeable asset portfolio, how can I optimize passing this on to my loved ones?

5)   What are some common pitfalls to avoid in estate planning?

There will be plenty of time for Q&A - if you have any questions that you'd like Will to address, please email your questions in advance to [email protected] (Sarah is the Wharton club board member putting this session together).

This session is educational only, and is not meant to provide any legal advice.



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Virtual Program

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