NOTE THE TIME ZONE IS PACIFIC S - Wharton Women: Catalysts, Tereza Nemessanyi
Wednesday 1/26, 5:30pm - 6:30pm PST - Wharton Club of Southern California
Click Wharton Women: Catalysts, Tereza Nemessanyi for the details and to register for this event.
The Wharton Club of Southern California invites all members and non-members to this continuing series. Catalysts represent leaders across different industries that continually drive change to enhance their business and community. Wharton Women proudly sponsors this new virtual series designed to create and foster collisions through rich discussion.
When: Wednesday, January 26, 5:30-6:30pm PST (please note the time is Pacific Standard)
Where: Online event (Zoom link will be sent to registered participants in advance of the event)
Cost: Paid Members, Free; Non-Members, $10