We are proud to invite you to a collaboration with Rice University's Jones School of Management Please join us for The Wharton-Rice MBA Alumni Network. These discussion oriented workshops are designed to assist MBA's who are seeking consulting and career opportunities.
All member schools of the MBA Council of Houston are invited to attend. Please RSVP below.
Date: September 6, 2016
Time: 6:00 - 8:00pm
Venue: McNair Hall, Rice University, Conference Room 134B
Format: Roundtable discussions in which each participant has the chance to present their elevator speech, share their thoughts, and network with other members.
Many thanks to Rice Career Management Office for making this opportunity available to MBA alumni in the Houston area.
Directions to Rice Campus and Parking:http://www.rice.edu/maps/maps.html
(Parking in the nearest lot (central campus garage) $1 per 12 min, $11 daily max; lower cost parking is available in the "Greenbriar Lot" adjacent to Greenbriar Drive, east of the football stadium)